Thursday, 27 July 2017

Module 7 - Academic Integrity and Performance

Assalamualaikum and hello guys. Welcome back to Ore blog. So today, what am I going to write about? Well, I am going to share to you what I had learn in 5th of July 2017. Let’s get started!!

Today topic is Academic Integrity and Performance by Miss Nurul Afzan Majid.  

” Plagiarism in an act that hated by both students and lecturer. We should remember to stay away from plagiarism and avoid it from happen. Writers need to understand the effect of plagiarism or you will be critique.”

After reading the statement above, you noticed that plagiarism is stated 3 times. Do you know what plagiarism is?

Plagiarism is an act of using or closely imitating the language and idea/thoughts of another author without authorization.

In other(my) word, his work = your work

Now you know what is plagiarism. But, what is the example of the act? Let’s take a look at the mind map below.                       

There, now you know the example of plagiarism. Now, as a good student, lets learn how to prevent this act.

There are 2 ways to prevent this which is by Planning and Writing.

How to avoid you copying 100% of someones word? Well, there is a way. It it called paraphrasing.

I dont want to explain much. So I will just shorten it, and make it simpler to understand.

1. Read carefully
2. Make sure you understand
3. Now, walk away and take a short break after reading
4. Then, return to rewrite the idea without checking back the notes. Use your own understanding when you rewrite
5. After you done, check your notes and see the difference
6. Cite and paraphrase text. Memorized the keyword and rewrite in your own words

See? Its just as simple as that. Now moving on into CGPA & GPA.

When youre in university life, you will no longer get result by A+, B-, C grade. Your marks will not be taken based on your grade but, it will be taken by your pointer. Pointer marking is not same as grade. It is a whole new way of marking.  

GPA & CGPA. Ever heard of that? GPA is Grade Pointer Average while CGPA is Cumulative Grade Pointer Average. The difference of GPA and CGPA is GPA is your mark only for 1 semester. But CGPA is your mark for both semester (e.g. ; Sem. 1 + Sem. 2, Sem. 4 + Sem. 5)

Below are the value for each grade

  : 4.00
A  : 4.00
A-  : 3.70
B+  : 3.30
B  : 3.00
B-  : 2.70
C+  : 2.30
C  : 2.00
C-  : 1.70
D+  : 1.30
D  : 1.00
E  : 0.70
F  : 0.00

Here are the ways for you to calculate your GPA.

Here are the ways for you to calculate your CGPA.

That’s all for today’s lesson. I hope that you gain the information that you need in this blog. Now, let’s end our lesson with tasbih kirafah and surah al-Asr.                       


Module 6 - Taking Lecture Notes

Do you ever face like this? 

Can you actually wrote down all the notes written on the board?

Well, that’s a long story ago in primary and high school. I bet now, you do like this;

But at the end, do you even write back the notes? Yes? No?  (Hahahahaha!! XD)

By the way, let’s put this aside. 19th of July, Sir Muhammad Kamil Ariff bin Khalid teach us syllabus 6, Taking Lecture Notes.

First question, why do we(students) take notes? Why we must? Actually, by taking notes, you actually becoming an active listener. Other than that, you can gain/share/understand the accurate record of information. Beside from that, we can interpret, condense and organise the information.

“Okay then, how to take notes?”

“For real? Just simply read the info on board and write it back on the paper.”

Yes, we just simply write back the information. But, there’s actually some ways to write notes. See! Even writing notes have its own ways. I don’t want to describe in 1 paragraph. I will convert it into point form, so it would be easier to understand.

1. Prepare before taking notes – the best way is to read before class start
  *you will get the idea
  *you can organize the notes easier
  *get familiar with the keyword
2. Ready to take notes
3. Sit in front
  *hear clearer, focus better
4. Review the notes before class start
  *just simply read, no need to have a deep understanding
5. Get involved with motivated friends
  *they are the one who can influence you.

Next!! Try to become an active listener. Below are the ways to get start.

1. Read before lecture
2. Review the last set notes
3. You need to decide on what to listen and what to not
4. Get FOCUS – both physically and mentally
5. Listen with open mind – if you listen because of force, not a single word will be stick into your head
While I was learning, I figure out there is an effective way on notes taking system. Thanks to Sir Kamil, he shares with us the effective way. Now, I am going to show to you.

Notes – Your notes during the lecturer

Cues – any question, main point, clue that you get

Summary – summarize the main point

It is not compulsory for you to use the step or no. It’s your choice anyway.

Moving on!!
Have you ever wonder, “Hmm.. what should I include in my notes?”. This is a nice question. You don’t have to write down ALL the word written on the board nor all the lecturer words. You need to figure out which part to write and which part you don’t need to. For example :

Heading – notes on your main points

Details – fact and explanation
             – definition
             – example
             – anything needed for your better understanding

Discussion  – format
                     – jot down various points

Mathematics & Science – requires strategies
                                           – print notes, before or after class
                                           – use lecture notes to build background knowledge
                                           – use online notes to edit your notes
“Now I’m done taking notes. What else?”

You should review your notes. By reviewing, you can check and revise what you need. By reviewing also, you can increase your understanding better.

1. Recite from the heading 
  >after reciting, cover the information under each heading
  >check the notes
  >this method help us learn in integrated way

2. Recite from recall
  >use the recall* information (*Syllabus 5)
  >this method help to learn in isolated way
  >learn specific answer to specific question

3. Talk about the information with the others
>talk about it – with your friends, family, lecturer, etc.
  >put the information in your own words and explaining without changing the actual meaning
  >get together with friend

That’s all for today’s lesson. I hope that you gain the information that you need in this blog. Now, let’s end our lesson with tasbih kirafah and surah al-Asr.



Module 5 - Memory Learning & Improving

Before we start, let us take a look on some interference that we(student) may face during lecture.

1. Sleepiness
2. Uncomfortable environment
3. Smartphone
4. Focus on something/somewhere else
5. (That one) Students who cause loud noise.  

So, why am I listing all the factor above? When you keep facing these, you cannot CONCENTRATE.

Concentration is important for you and your brain in order to memorise things.

"But why, I do not face any of the factor mention above, but I cannot memorised anything?" 

Well, note that :

   "When we learn, we are not STORING the information. Instead, we are GAINING the information."

Our brain is a complex structure in human body. In order to understand it better, we need to investigate how it works. So here I am, will share to you how our brain works, and how to improve our memory skills.


What am I showing you in the picture is Information Processing Cycle. It actually can be close reference to our brain.

Here’s how : 

Input = Gaining information by 5 sense
Process = Receptor telling brain what it is
Storage = Sensory Memory, Short-Term Memory & Long-Term Memory
Output = Result

In Storage, I did mention about Sensory Memory, Short-Term Memory and Long-Term Memory. But, what is it? Have you ever read or even heard about it? Keep on reading to know more!!

Sensory Memory

Sensory Memory is a memory system that had initial contact with stimulus. It is only capable to keep the memory in short period of time.

Short-Term Memory

Short-Term Memory is part of memory system that can only hold one information within 1 minute or less. Short-Term Memory help us to remember (only for a while) before we wrote it down onto the notes.

Long-Term Memory

Long-Term Memory however, is a long lasting memory, mostly last long until entire life span of that individual. It can also be considering as (infinite) memory. Example of Long-Term Memory are remembering the ABC letters, how to drive, date of birth and even more.

So now, we already learn how our brain works. Now, let’s see cause of poor concentration and how forgetting could occur.

1. Definition of concentration :
 -Focusing your attention on what you’re doing.
2. Cause of poor concentration :
• Lack of interest
• Lack of attention
• Lack of motivation
• Distraction cause from others
• Uncomfortable environment
• Physiological matters – illness, sleepiness, tiredness
• Psychological matters – personal problems, anxieties

How Forgetting Could Occur?
□ Did not pay attention to the information
□ Did not understand the information
□ Did not have good strategies
□ Test anxiety ( always have negative thoughts about yourself )

Get it? Now let’s move on!!
   Strategies are important when you’re preparing anything. With strategy, you can do your work much more efficient and effective. Below, I am going to show you the strategies to improve your concentration. Keep on reading.

1. Use motivational and organizational strategies
─ create interest in work ; e.g. if reading is boring then do mind map
─ use time-management strategies ; e.g. to do list, timetable, calendar etc.
─ develop a positive attitude toward your work ; e.g. tell yourself that you can do it

2. Create a positive (+) learning environment

─ find better place that suit you ; e.g. sit in front on the class, do revision in the library

3. Deal with internal distractions
─ personal problems
─ competing activities

4. Take a short break
─ rest for a while for 5-10 minutes after 45 minutes of studying

The lack of ability to “recall” the information that stored in our Long-Term Memory are synonym word as FORGET

RECALL is important for us, humanity to remember back something that happen/occur long time ago. Recall, however, can be improve by several steps. These steps are prayers, taking right nutrition, exercise, food intake and many more. Avoid doing any exercise that will weaken your brain system such as smoking because the effect of forgetting to occur is very high.

That’s all for today’s lesson. I hope that you gain the information that you need in this blog. Before we end, I would like to say thank you to Miss Shamsinar Binti Rahmanfor teaching me this knowledge. Now, let’s end our lesson with tasbih kirafah and surah al-Asr.


Module 4 - Time Management & Organization Skills

On 12th of July, our UED 102 class is conducted by Miss Nur Syahida Zulkifli. She is in charged in chapter 4, Time Management & Organization Skills.

What is time? According to Mr. Google Translate, time (noun) is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.

ime is very important in our daily life. Every second that pass by cannot be reversed. In Al-Quran, there’s a surah telling us how important time is. It is Surah al-Asr.

Beside from that, our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w also mention about time.
Therefore, we need to understand how precious time is. We can use time wisely by using time management skills. What is time management? Time management is an ability to use one’s time effectively or productively – at work, at school, daily routine etc.

There are 5 strategies to manage time in study system.
1. Weekly schedule
2. Daily planner
3. Semester calendar
4. Academic & Personal life
5. Avoid Procrastination

[Procrastination ; an act where you delay or postpone action]

Notice that I bold the word procrastinate? The reason why is this act is common in among us student. We (including me) tend to do last minute work, finish it day before due date, and many other reason. I now will share the factor procrastination occur, and ways to avoid.

Too many other project
Use schedule, list down the priority first
Ignore other things for a while, get focused
The perfectionist behaviour
Keep in mind that not ALL in our life need to be perfect
The task is boring
Motivated yourself to finish the task
Fear of the outcome
Fear that the task is not good enough and will end up with failure

“Okay, so now I have managed my time. I have organised things properly. What is the outcome(advantage) will I received?”

There are a lot of advantages being organised. First, you will keep on schedule. When you keep on schedule, your daily routine will flow smoothly. Next, you can reduce stress. Why? It’s obvious. Less work, less stress, more free time. Third, there will be no more last minute work because you already finish it as soon as you received the task. Lastly, your self-confidence will be upgrade. You finish the work quickly; you will be confident that you can do work with no stress.

That’s all for today! Thank you for visiting my blog. See you in another chapter! Be sure to call your friend and read this blog too :D

Module 3 - Library and Campus Resources

Assalamualaikum and welcome back to my blog. Today topic is syllabus 3, Library and Campus Resources, by Miss Nur Fatihah.

Library, the most quiet place we ever been, right? Even a sound of clicking you will get their “Shh..!!”.  But never mind about that. Today I would like to share to you guys some of the facilities in UiTM Raub library, Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak.

Have you ever been into the library, and then you saw that one pretty nice book that caught your attention.  You want to read it, but then the library will be going to close in 10 minutes. What can you do? You can’t hide the books. No way! The staff will found it and restack in the shelf. At the end, you having a hard time to search back the book.

Well, here’s the trick you can do.

1. You can borrow the book.
2. Use Web OPAC.

Let me first show you the tutorial on How to borrow books in library.

There! Done! That task was easy wasn’t it?

But here are some reminder for you when you’re borrowing books.

*20 cent will be charged if you are late return the book. 20 cent per day
*The maximum amount of books you can borrow is limited to 20 books only.
*You are given 14 days when you’re borrowing books. More than that, 20 cents will be charged.
*IF you lose any books you lend, you need to pay back the price of book + RM20 for money process.

Be caution to not do any of the step above. You do, your responsible.

Oh, I did mention about Web OPAC right? What IS Web OPAC?

Web OPAC(Online Public Access Catalog) is a web that make student easier to find books in library. Student don’t have to roam around the library to find the books anymore. Just use web OPAC, search for the title and web OPAC will show you the location, coordinate of the book place at.


What else? Hmm… Oh! Let me list down the facilities provided in the library.

1. Newspaper – where you can gain info about something happen worldwide or nationwide.
2. Wi-Fi – better and faster than in the campus.
3. Computer – in case if you don’t have personal computer (PC), they also provide 24 computer
4. Magazine
5. EQPS – or so called Electronic Question Paper System. This web provide past year question in case if you want to revise for your exam.
6. Locker – you need to place your bag and stuff here. 50 cent charged for the use of 1 locker. Don’t worry it’s just reserve.

That’s all for today! Thank you for visiting my blog. See you in another chapter! Be sure to call your friend and read this blog too :D

Module 7 - Academic Integrity and Performance

Assalamualaikum and hello guys. Welcome back to Ore blog. So today, what am I going to write about? Well, I am going to share to you what I...